03 February, 2011

The New TSQL Code snippets from SQL 11–Denali

I posted the features that I liked most before on my post about where to download the new CTP1 of SQL Denali.

One of them were TSQL Code snippets.

This post will have some screenshots about the new feature, and how to use it.

My opinion on this feature is that it is awesome, and it still needs improvement.

The MS books online of this feature is on this link.

So its Just Open up the new SQL Server Management Studio.

Open a New Query, and press 

Ctrl K + Ctrl X

You will see this window:


Now if you select Function and Create Multi-Statement Table Function


You’ll see this script being added to the window.

Note the highlighted areas, the current area I am editing is the schema, however if I edit for example the parameter name, it will be updated across the script.


It works a little like the Visual Studio .NET Snippets, however for developers the snippets are really more powerful, lets hope this feature gets improved, as the potential for this is Huge.

Well this was fun, hope this gets you excited about what's coming next on the next version of SQL.

Greetings for all,
The Developer Seer.

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